Friday, March 14, 2008

Coffee Cozy

Coffee Cozy, originally uploaded by Mrs. Jeffrye.

This is my latest FO - I'm still working on the sweater, but I have to keep putting it down to, you know, work. But Jerm requested this, so I found a very simple pattern on Ravelry, and knit this up - probably took 3 hours, tops. A lot of fun to come up with the color pattern and use up that hot pink wool - it was an impulse buy 4 years ago, and I haven't used it up as much as I could have. So now it's almost gone. Thank goodness.


Trina said...

Does it actually keep the coffee cozy or is it more as a padding against breakage?

Liz said...

it keeps the coffee warm - if it fell, it'd break.