Tuesday, May 20, 2008

to frog or not to frog?

to frog or not to frog, originally uploaded by Mrs. Jeffrye.

that is the question. i tried this on after i joined the armholes, and it seemed a little tight around the armpit, which would defeat the purpose of a cool tank top. i kept knitting anyway, and then i thought about it, and i think i won't like the shirt if it's really tight at the armpits, and i probably messed up by not making the front long enough. so i think i'm going to frog and start over. in fact, i think i'm going to make an xs, so it'll be less booby-tastic.

i'm kind of sad that i didn't finish it, and i'm trying to decide if i should take it with us to north carolina. i guess i could knit it on the plane.


Trina said...

Drink a beer out of the frogged glass and see how you feel then. :)

Liz said...

hmm, good call.