Saturday, April 12, 2008

completed hose

completed hose, originally uploaded by Mrs. Jeffrye.

I have more pictures posted on flickr. I finished the socks on Thursday night and realized that knitting anything else was hopeless. Fortunately, Jerm had another hat to wear, and it's getting warm - but I think he likes the style enough that he'd wear it around, not just at reenactment events.

Anyway, these came along marvelously - I was very impressed with my ability to improvise much of the pattern. I did a swatch and measured to figure out the number of stitches I'd need a key parts of my leg, and then increased and decreased accordingly. Then once I got to the ankle, I made a sock. The best thing about the sock is the purl seam along the back, and also the clocking on the ankle. It's super easy to do, but makes the socks look fancy.

I've started on Jerm's stockings, hopefully I'll have them done within the month. His are much tighter (having learned a bit from the prior stockings), and instead of just 1 purl row along the back, I did a 1x1 rib for 6 stitches. Mostly I did that because his legs are so skinny, I don't want them to fall down!


JaM said...

Amazing hose! Looks like a good fit. Skillful dedication! I'm knitting some socks that stop just above my sports shoes... and getting impatient as I'm a slow knitter. Your hose go on forever! and with elegant shaping. Good on ya!

Zaz said...

very pretty, i used to buy those knee highs but now i do and they've gotten to be bad quality, shrinking at the first wash :( and coming mid calf.
i would be considering knitting knee highs, where did you get the pattern at?