Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Yay! Yarn! Must bide time...

Yay! My yarn just arrived from Webs. Their sale was amazing so I wouldn't resist. The sad thing is that I can't start either the Ms. Darcy (which is what I'll call it when it's mine - a feminist Elizabeth Bennet?) or the Coachella that these two yarns are intended for. Luckily, I don't have the right needles so I'll have to wait until I have time to get them.
Yarn is just so much more fun than outlines -- see my level of distraction? I was supposed to be thinking about Constitutional Protections for Medical Care Decisions. Need to finish Substantive Due Process / Right to privacy and then I'll be done. Next I have to start with the practice exams and the memorizing of that darn outline.
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Elizabeth said...

Getting a big box of yarn in the mail in the middle of finals is one of life's great cruelties! I gave in yesterday and swatched for Mrs Darcy (I love the Ms Darcy idea) between Contracts and Crim Pro study times. Now the swatch is just taunting me on my desk.

Liz said...

it's so painful, right? if i get through crim pro, i might take a day off before my community property and wills & trust finals. might be a super knitting day.

JaM said...

Beautiful colours! I can understand wanting to dive in.